Remember the joy



Being a new parent is joyous and hard at the same time. Nothing can prepare parents for the thrill of holding their little one in their arms for the first time. But in the midst of sleepless nights, changing nappies, teething, tantrums, weaning and everything else, it’s easy to forget why they did it in the first place.

That’s why we wanted to reconnect them to the joy of parenting.

Not all of these joys are wholesome, some are a bit naughty - like taking full advantage of having a baby to get someone to give up their seat on the bus. Some moments, especially the messy ones, don’t even feel like joy at the time - but they’re remembered with fondness.

The range included food for both babies and toddlers, so we suggested changing the branding from Heinz Baby to Heinz Family - and the client bought it.

This is pitch-winning work, that’s being activated on social, using UGC content, but will soon be seen across other media.


You’re doing it for the toothless grins

For the cooed out thank yous 

The weird words, the non-words, the swear words

For the super-tight grip on your t-shirt that tells you - you’re special, really special

For the funny long farts

For the high fives, the tummy tickles, the raspberries

For cruising with the shopping trolley

For rocket rides on elevators

For everyone smiling at you (until you realise they’re smiling at your baby) 

You’re doing it for extra legroom on flights

For extra chocolate on your coffees

For suddenly being on everyone’s guest list

For being excused for being late to meetings

For being forgiven for jumping the queue

For those split seconds when you’d thought ‘why did I do this’ only to be reminded why in a way only they can

For a lot more you don’t remember now, but will remember years later


Pure Joy